The LiveJournal account is just the start.
Subtle usability improvement of the day.
This no longer redirects to a different URL for the 404 message...
Useful enhancement
I dislikes sites which redirect on 404 erors
Argh, hate lag, hate hate hate
Dorward: This is rather neat
azz: I'm still sort of trying to understand the point of Bluetooth, although it's probably not helping that I don't carry any electronic devices around with me these days.
I guess it'll be more interesting once Leatherman make a tool with it. ;)
Dorward: I use it mainly to use my palm as a bigger screen with nicer inputs for my phone. i.e. for SMS and the web
Its also fun for ad hoc file sharing and gaming (if people have comptable games) - certainly less pain then trying to line up IR ports
azz: SMS is another technology that I don't understand.
Dorward: Its a cheap way to get messages to Sweden without having to wait for the other person to check their email
azz: Wait to check email? How does that work? ;)
Dorward: Its a side effect of people wanting to spend long periods of time redecorating their house
Its hard to check email while covering wallpaper with sticky goop
azz: The reason that SMS is popular is essentially because people are stupid -- willing to accept a proprietary, limited, hideously expensive technology in place of email. It'd be no harder for phone companies to implement real email with comparable delivery times.
Dorward: That's probably true.
azz: Oh, and it'd be cheaper for them too, since the infrastructure already exists.
Maybe it's the phone companies that are stupid.
Dorward: On the subject... I found a rather neat thing on Vodafone today.
I can compose an email then select an option and my phone will phone my voice mail service. I can record a voice message and get it attached as a wav.
Its neat for when I don't want to spend ages typing onto the fiddly keypad and don't have the palm on me
azz: Yeah, I've seen similar services.
Dorward: That, and wav attachments would probably get right up Adam's goat.
azz: You could say that, yes.
(I think that's "get on Adam's goat", or "get up Adam's nose"?)
Dorward: I suspect that getting up your goat would be more painful for the poor creature
azz: Or, for that matter, "get Adam's goat".
Dorward: In a disturbing way which reminds me of Matt's Spanish lecture on gay culture