Ah ha. A detailed look at the XMLHttpRequest with examples.
Its a shame that Ajax has become the new DHTML. For Pete's sake - Ajax is a buzzword around a bundle of other technologies, its not a standard, its not something that browsers "support".
"It turns out that Microsoft supports Ajax, but calls its version of XMLHttpRequest something different."
Bah. "Its version". The original version. They invented the damnable thing.
"Internet developers disagree about what exactly the open() method does."
Umm... Well... Gecko is open source. I seem to recall that the relevent chunk of Webkit is too. As is Konqueror. So why not just look?!
What fun! Its filed under "Java technology" Skimming the article I find only one mention of Java ... a "If this was Java then the code might look like this, but this isn't Java, so it doesn't". boggle
azz: (Via Jonathan.)
A collection of cool-looking graph visualisations.