"The government has threatened to use the Parliament Act, which allows it to force through the legislation without the approval of the Lords."
"The Liberal Democrat leader in the Upper House, Lord McNally, said the House of Lords must retain its right to say "no"."
""There is the Parliament Act and that is the right of the elected House to have its way," he said."
""But this House must retain the right to say 'not in our name'.""
(Via Trapper.)
Yes, you've got to love the way democracy works in this country, haven't you?
ID cards are something that the majority of people clearly don't want, and yet it takes the unelected part of our government to stop Labour pushing them through.
"The supermarket chain Morrison's is to open the first E85 pump in the UK on Wednesday, delivering a mixture of 85% bioethanol and 15% petrol."
The idea of running my car on beetroot is vaguely attractive, I've got to admit.
They don't quote costs in the article, but I assume this is going to be significantly more expensive than regular petrol, at least to start with.
azz: Oh, look, Derek Wyatt's being an utter twit. Again.
(If you're wondering how he was a twit last time, it was all about spam...)
David: Twit isn't the word. "It isn't possible for an ISP to effectively block spam." getting a response of "Porn is EVIL!" goes so far beyond "twit" it isn't true.
azz: I agree that "twit" isn't the word, but the word Ben actually used is unprintable. ;)
David: Curse our pesky 26 character alphabet! :D