"As part of the MLA's new Reference Online initiative, OUP is delighted to announce that 142 public library authorities in England have joined together for the first time to share the cost of a 2-year national licence for a range of OUP's online resources."
The idea being that you'll be able to use your library card number to log in to the online OED and other Oxford resources.
This is a really good thing -- the online OED is exceptionally useful. I've currently got access to it via Kent's site license, but this means that pretty much everybody will be able to use it.
I'll have to go and get a Canterbury library card at some point...
azz: "As part of the MLA's new Reference Online initiative, OUP is delighted to announce that 142 public library authorities in England have joined together for the first time to share the cost of a 2-year national licence for a range of OUP's online resources."
The idea being that you'll be able to use your library card number to log in to the online OED and other Oxford resources.
This is a really good thing -- the online OED is exceptionally useful. I've currently got access to it via Kent's site license, but this means that pretty much everybody will be able to use it.
I'll have to go and get a Canterbury library card at some point...