"If Munich's employees get a standard KDE desktop then they will be overwhelmed with its complexity, technical orientation, and inconsistency."
Because, you know, I can't imagine why they'd choose a desktop environment with lots of German developers where the interface is very nearly a clone of Windows.
Aside from being a German municipal authority migrating a load of Windows users to Linux, that is.
"[...] and that confused users should not be dismissed as too stupid to use a computer."
As opposed to GNOME, where all users are assumed to be too stupid to use a computer.
"A miniature satellite has arrived at the International Space Station (ISS), where it will take its first space flight in indoor comfort rather than in the harsh conditions outside the station."
There's something terribly entertaining about the idea of indoor satellites.
David: So, Jamie Oliver's school dinners are driving the kids towards the chip vans. I'm astonished. Really.
Maybe they need to put Anthony Head in charge ;)
azz: To be honest, I could use some of that oil from time to time...
David: Couldn't we all?