The office of Mexico's presidency drafts a law that would decriminalise drug use (within reason), so that the police could concentrate on arresting the people who're responsible for Mexico's drug problem rather than the victims of it.
It passes Mexico's congress, and up until yesterday everybody was expecting it to be signed into law.
Now, suddenly, the President decides that he won't support it after all.
No prizes for guessing who's responsible for this mess.
Didn't GL say he would never do this?
Obviously he feels the need for some more cash as all the hard core fans go out to buy Star Wars ... again.
David: Since I hadn't recieved a listing for a few weeks I went along to their website to find out what was on
And they've redesigned. Its slow, clunky, entirely different, and doesn't work like it used to.
There was a note telling me that I had to sign up for the listings by email again if I wanted to continue to get them
It would have been nice if they had bothered to tell me by email!
azz: That sounds like a nasty case of having-a-falling-out-with-your-hosting-company...
David: Could be ...
AKA "Don't trust your hosting company with the only copy of your marketing material"