Oh look, a Wired article calling for technology workers to form unions.
There's the usual half-submerged xenophobic anti-offshoring message here, of course.
But, honestly, does anyone think unions are good for anyone but the workers themselves? Every interaction I've had with a trade union ever has resulted in the consumer -- and quite often the workers too -- getting screwed. Isn't that just a little selfish?
I'm all in favour of job security and gainful employment, but grassroots terrorism is not the way to achieve it.
ats: Bet they won't, though.
"The lecturers say that students are being judged on just part of their degree course."
Yes, lecturers, they are. And it's your fault.
"Delegates in Scarborough said universities were threatening to withdraw pay in an effort to force lecturers to resume marking."
Wow. Withdraw pay from people who aren't doing their jobs. What an absolutely outrageous idea. I just wish the universities would actually have the courage to do it...
(Regular readers of might spot that I'm just a little annoyed by this whole issue...)