"A US congressional committee has spent the last six months investigating how the government should treat money made by people in this alternative universe and is expected to make a recommendation in the next two months."
That seems, well, silly.
Are they going to start taxing all roleplayers? That haul my housemates liberated from a dragon a few weeks ago is really going to cost them...
(The RSS summary:)
"Hamsters receiving tiny doses of the impotence drug adjusted better to a simulated time-zone change, with possible implications for humans on long-distance flights"
To which I can't help but remark that hamsters receiving massive doses of Viagra probably don't care too much about time zone change at all.
(You also have to wonder who thinks up these experiments -- I can imagine a conversation in a pub. "Hey, I know, let's try giving Viagra to jetlagged hamsters!")
ats: "Al Hurra television, the U.S. government's $63 million-a-year effort at public diplomacy broadcasting in the Middle East, is run by executives and officials who cannot speak Arabic, according to a senior official who oversees the program."
"That might explain why critics say the service has recently been caught broadcasting terrorist messages, including an hour-long tirade on the importance of anti-Jewish violence"