... but that's not what I'm really posting about.
This is merely an example of today's particular annoyance about web forums.
If you chase the link to "the old thread on head-fi", you get a page that's utterly unrelated to the E12.
And that's because the forum operator has done something that's changed their forum system's internal thread IDs, breaking every URL on the site.
Now, if this were a competently-designed system, messages would have a unique ID that would never change.
You know, like email and news have done for, oh, twenty or so years...
Why anybody would want to use web forums I really don't know.
ats: "The most interesting and unexpected facts can emerge from the daily news stories and the Magazine documents some of them in its weekly feature, 10 things we didn't know last week. To kick off 2008, here are some of the best of last year."
Most amusing. Some of these have featured on Us-Log before.
For a different kind of BBC News-related amusement, there's also Mark's headlines collection.