'Once you have installed 6.4a BETA you can find details about the changes since Vim 6.3 with ":help version-6.4".'
... but can't you tell me what's changed before I install it?!
I don't think I'd posted a picture of this yet...
(Note the DEC Alpha being used as a platform for electronic music.)
David: That is a really really horrible pun.
azz: Odd-looking device of the day.
David: Not only is it odd looking; I also have to disable JavaScript to see it. For some reason they feel the need to redirect me to http://www.teamk2.de/_index.html ... a 404 page.
azz: PCs are getting worryingly cheap these days.
David: Cluster time! ;)
azz: I was thinking more along the lines of "MythTV box time", but that machine's actually significantly faster than my current PC...
David: Likewise
I went for the even cheaper option to front end a mythtv system ... the X-box. Shame about giving money to the evil empire though.
azz: Besides which, our research group already has a cluster, and we don't really have any idea of what to do with it at the moment.
David: Find the cure to cancer, locate extra-terrestrial life, or find another "use up your spare CPU time" project!
azz: We were more looking for applications related to the project that bought it. ;)
(Else I'd be doing video transcoding on it...)
David: What?! Actually use it for work!? Shocking!