The BBC is still being "Fair and Balanced" <cough>
... and it seems to allowing people to buy a CD and then copy it to their mp3 player will '"open the floodgates" to uncontrolled private copying, and sharing from person to person'
On the upside, they've handily provided us with a list of artists not to support.
(For those of you reading this later, by the way, the ORG quote wasn't in the original article, and only appeared after a load of people complained.)
David: The BBC is still being "Fair and Balanced" <cough>
... and it seems to allowing people to buy a CD and then copy it to their mp3 player will '"open the floodgates" to uncontrolled private copying, and sharing from person to person'
ats: On the upside, they've handily provided us with a list of artists not to support.
(For those of you reading this later, by the way, the ORG quote wasn't in the original article, and only appeared after a load of people complained.)